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Marketing Design Direction for Ads for Online Magazines and Portals, [direct]
Art Direction and User Experience Design for Advanced Microscopy Group, [direct]
Advanved Microscopy Group Ads, [direct]
AMG Product Photography, [direct]
AT&T International Travel App, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T Tablet UI All Access, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T Beacons, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T DirecTV, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T DriveMode, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T Messaging, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T Data Perks, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T Locker, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T Number Sync, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T Passport, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T Setup & Transfer, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T Refill Plus, [direct]
IxD and Visual Design for AT&T Device Help, [direct]
AT&T UX Team Portfolio, [direct]
AT&T User Experience Design, [direct]
Portal Web Design/Dev/Debug/Deploy for, [direct]
Process Details examples Redlines/Guidelines/Specs, [direct]
STC and Ship Awards, [direct]
Flash/Blender Animation, [direct]
Life Sciences Microscopy Image Booklet for AMG, [direct]
Print Design and Illustration - Book Matter, [direct]
Marketing Brochure Design, Layout, and Illustration, [direct]
UCD Solution by Example, [direct]
MV Degrees, Certifications, [direct]
Design and Development of Microsoft Class Locator, [direct]
Marketing Collateral Design, [direct]
Help System and Training Courseware Content Viewer, [direct]
Flash and Silverlight Interactive Content Games, [direct]
Mobile Silverlight Courier Mobile LMS Prototype, [direct]
Book Cover Design and Illustration, [direct]
Training Curriculum Designer, [direct]
Marketing Eblasts Design, Photography, Illustration, [direct]
Marketing Flyer Design, Photography, Illustration, [direct]
Design/Dev Community Forums for Microsoft Learning, [direct]
XNA 3D Game Engine, [direct]
HTML5 Touch Interaction Framework, [direct]
Information Architecture (IA), [direct]
Design Language / Icons, [direct]
Brand Identity, [direct]
Conceptual/Product Illustration, [direct]
Pencil Illustration, [direct]
Technical/Game 3D Illustration, [direct]
XBOX 360 Dashboard and Services Interactions, [direct]
Microsoft Learning Content Development System, [direct]
Design of Letterhead, [direct]
Game World/Level Design, [direct]
Design of Logo and Logotype, [direct]
Design process, Solution Iteration, [direct]
Quick IxD Motion Reel, [direct]
XBOX Input and Interaction Team, [direct]
Magazine Cover Designs, [direct]
Design for Manual Layout, Illustration, [direct] Learning, [direct]
Microsoft Press, [direct]
Devices, Mobile Interaction, [direct]
Web Design and Development for Mutant Cube, [direct]
Feature Phone App Designer - One App Learn, Details, [direct]
Online HTML5 Game - National Park Tourists, [direct]
Zune Prototype Application Demo for Microsoft Learning, [direct]
Product Photography, [direct]
Personal and Design Photography, [direct]
More Nature Photography, [direct]
Portrait Photography, [direct]
User Experience Prototypes, [direct]
User Experience Carousel Prototype, [direct]
User Experience Parallax Prototype, [direct]
User Experience Progessive Feedback Prototype, [direct]
User Experience Simplification Prototype, [direct]
User Experience HTML5 dynamic controls Prototype, [direct]
3D Video Game?, [direct]
Product Ship and Company Awards, [direct]
Customer Facing Technical Documentation Examples, [direct]
Title Manager, a Line of Business Application, [direct]
Tradeshow Design using Unity 3D, [direct]
The Unity Game Project, [direct]
User Centered Design Templates, [direct]
User Flow, Mock-ups, Scenario Flow, [direct]
Methods for focused solutions, [direct]
Training/Marketing Videos done for AMGMICRO/EVOS, [direct]
AT&T Reels, [direct]
XBox Reels, [direct]
Virtual Labs Program - Virtualization, [direct]
XNA Tile-based Game, Winterblue , [direct]
Help System Windows Starter Edition, [direct]
ESPN, Video Connect, Netflix XBOX Live Studios, [direct]
Tile Focus, [direct]
First Party Apps, [direct]
Long List Navigation, [direct]
Distributed Feedback, [direct]
XBox Smart Glass, [direct]
Second Device XBox Smart Glass, [direct]
Air Gesture Channel Interface Spotlight , [direct]
XBox 360, XBox One, Microsoft Kinect, [direct]
Credits in Print Books, [direct]