LeadsGen Architecture


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See also, LeadsGen Arch Diagrams

System components.


Taxonomy Manager and Taxon:  Fed by a singular Microsoft Product Database, Taxonomy Manager (TaxMan) and Taxon enable domain authoring and management of searchable phrases, product names, and their terminology relationships. Taxon enables the ability to subscribe to a sections of these terminology domains and pushes updates and changes, such as new terms or new term relationships, into subscriber databases. Taxon is implemented as a Windows Service.

Title Manager:  A .NET windows application and SQL database used for planning of products. It is fed taxonomy metadata and enables automatic domain value changes. It also implements an custom XML-based adapter language which allows for the business rule authoring and changes against and using the database schema. I developed Title Manager a few years before Lead Generation started. See, Title Manager.

ION:  A single data repository and schema which ties upstream and downstream systems together through a customizable business rules engine. It pulls from source databases using these rules and implements a back-end web service for downstream development system integration. It is implemented as SQL database, SSIS jobs, and a Web Service.


Pubsched:  A print product SQL database and web application with reporting which queries ION for changes and new products.

Coursemaster:  A e-Learning product SQL database and web application which queries ION for changes and new products.

Learning Central:  A enterprise licensing product SQL database, web services, and more, which queries ION for changes and new products. (new to the system)

Customer Facing

LASO:  Laso is a product detail management system which implements a SQL database, web service, e-mail-able Infopath forms with web api integration, and a web-based product detail approval workflow system (Lash Dashboard). It queries ION for changes and new products.

AXON:  This is a front-end facing client API which enables search and discovery of products and their details. I aggregates and caches information from Laso and ION.

Learning Catalog: This is the commerce server based shopping cart. The back end systems query AXON and ION for changes and new products.

Class Locator:  This web application and SQL database inside our partner portal. Partners upload class information including addresses and schedules, and select taxonomy information. This system is pushed taxonomy from Taxon.

GEO:  This system aggregates class location information, queries geo segmentation services available on Microsoft.com, and indexes this information for search and discover. Geo and Axon together are the primary search system.